Declaration of Biological Truth Australia
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Declaration of Biological Truth Australia: PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL declaration
Your Nationality or status (required) Only Australian citizens OR Permanent Residents are able to sign.
I am an Australian Citizen … OR
I am a Permanent Resident
Individuals can only sign the Declaration once. Please tick the box to declare this is the first and only time you have signed.
Yes, this is the first and only time I’ve signed
First Name – Not just an initial (published)
Last Name – Not just an initial (published)
Email (not published): Please double-check you have entered your correct email address or you won’t receive the final confirmation message..
Postcode (not published)
Phone (optional) This will ONLY be used to confirm your signature if our confirmation email bounces.
What you’d like to be described as (published) eg: Journalist, Concerned Mum, RN at RCH Melbourne, ALP Member for Ipswich. Be specific up to 8 words.
Your signing category (Required: This may be similar to above. Tick at least one – may be published))
Medical practitioner
Mental health practitioner
University Academic
University professional staff
School teacher
Social worker
Concerned citizen
Member of Parliament (MP, MLC or MLA)
Local Council Representative
Ongoing communication
Yes, I would like to receive ongoing communication
Please type your initials in the box below. By clicking submit, you are signing with the details entered above. You WILL receive an email to confirm your signature so please check your email inbox and spam box.
Click here to submit. Please then check your email inbox to confirm your signature