Public Signatories page 9

March 11, 2024 – April 1, 2024

Elizabeth Baxter: Government employee & parent

Ally Johnston: Concerned citizen

Evelyn Williams: Woman & concerned citizen

Christine Carrigg: School teacher, concerned woman and grandparent

Carolyn Ride: Mental Health support worker

Jasmine Kamaralli: Concerned citizen

Joanne Saunders: Concerned Grandparent

Jeff Gray: Concerned citizen & ex-Science teacher

Dina Griffith: Parent of 3 & grandmother to 2.
Very concerned about what sort of future my grandchildren will be exposed too

Sascha Towers: Concerned citizen

Sarah Borthwick: Concerned mum

Steve Mowle: Concerned citizen

Kathryn Lloyd: School teacher & concerned parent

Caterina Johnston: Concerned grandparent

Paul Hocroft: Concerned grandfather

Merike Johnson: University academic

Ruth Jaggard: Concerned woman

Susie Giollo: A concerned citizen of Australia

Dana Alfred: Parent

Anna Ruiz: Retired teacher, feminist & lesbian

Annette Baskerville: Retired Occupational Therapist, Teacher, Mother, Grandmother & great Aunt

Fiona Brook: Biologist with Autism Spectrum Disorder & childhood gender dysphoria

Anthony Towers: Concerned citizen

Vicky Hall: Biological woman, lesbian, parent & concerned citizen

Christine Robertson: Adult human female & social worker

Shayne Haggis: Medical practitioner

Nick Coates: Dad & concerned citizen

Alex Jacobs: Very concerned citizen

Linda McCarthy: Concerned grandmother

Jo Hammond: Woman. Adult human female

Susan Lane: A woman scared for the future of our children

Paul Redmond: Concerned dad

Toni Edwards: Concerned female, feminist & lesbian

Aleta Tulk: Adult human female

Mark Bisman: Retired serviceman & parent

Anne Marsic: Parent, grandparent & concerned citizen

Jill Brown: Concerned citizen

Emily Purser: University academic, parent & human being

Amelia Schremmer: Artist & concerned citizen

Campbell Griffin: Retired engineer & parent