December 18, 2024 – January 1, 2025
James Forster: Concerned Grandfather & citizen
Mario Lucchesi: Adelaide plumber & gas fitter. Concerned citizen
Pamela McEvoy: Concerned Mum & Grandparent
Pam I’Anson: School teacher, Grandparent & concerned citizen
Wendy Whitcroft: Concerned citizen
Michelle Baker: Grandparent & concerned human
Lesley Harding: Grandparent & concerned female. We need to support each other.
Trevor Miller: Concerned Grandparent & citizen
Jan Pickett: I am a concerned grandmother and great grandmother
Giles Bennett: Concerned citizen
Nancy McWhinney: Grandparent
Edward “Ian” Coates: Grandparent & a concerned man
Kathryn Cruise: Mother who is concerned for my daughter and other females
John Henderson: Father of 4 girls & have 6 granddaughters
Tony Stoker: Grandparent & concerned citizen
Connie Prill: Grandparent & outraged citizen
Stacey Palmer: Concerned Mum & citizen
Joy Andrew: Concerned Grandparent
Jan Gillman: Grandparent & concerned citizen
Roslyn van Koeverden: Daughter, sister, Mother, Grandmother
Patricia Tonkin: Concerned citizen
Frank David James: Grandparent, builder & concerned citizen
Ian Hogan: Concerned citizen. Private music Teacher