September 13 – September 22, 2024
Due to the large number of signatories for this month, we’ve divided the time frame into three pages. This is the SECOND page for the month (September 13 – September 22).
If you’ve signed and your name isn’t listed, please check the email you provided and your spam box. If the confirmation request isn’t there, there’s been a typo in the email address you provided. This means you’ll need to re-sign. Thank you!
Julianne Clifford: Concerned Woman, Parent & citizen
Ella Quick: University Academic, Detransitioner & concerned citizen
Jan Melville: Parent, Grandparent & concerned citizen
Robyn Mills: Parent, Grandparent & concerned citizen
Patricia Mau: Standing up for what is right & truth. Grandparent
Shane Duck: Parent
Glenda Bullock: Concerned Grandparent
Athol Lane: Concerned citizen
James McLellan: Concerned Grandparents & Great Grandparents
Alan Kimball: Biological male concerned for the future of our world
Deborah Fodor: Concerned woman & citizen
Fred Irwin: Angry Grandfather
Rosaleen Appelhans: Concerned Rational Human Being. Parent & Grandparent
Paul Kinter: Parent, Grandparent & retired male sports coach (Swimming & Triathlon)
Mark Claxton: Parent & concerned citizen
Kathryn Booth: Concerned Mum & citizen
Lynden Kronk: Concerned human
David Williamson: Parent & Grandparent
Trevor Rheese: Concerned parent
Peter Berry: Grandparent. Competitors of the same sex should only compete against each other
Meriam Attalla: University academic, Parent & advocate for the truth
John Williams: Concerned citizen
Simon Benson: Lawyer | Law Lecturer | Teacher
Kevin Brinckley: Concerned Father, Grandfather & citizen
Victor Green: Retired restauranter & concerned citizen
Carolyn Butcher: Concerned Grandma
Les Loader: Father of 5 children & 11 grandchildren: School teacher & social worker
Alex Crandon: Retired Gynaecological Oncologist. University academic & Grandparent
Geoff Rath: Ordinary old bloke & concerned citizen
William Corbett: Concerned citizen
Milton Arnoldo Conde: Human Rights Advocate, Parent & Grandparent
Gavan Sheppard: Concerned father & citizen
Carole Gustin: Concerned citizen
Barry Read: A man of flesh & blood. Grandparent & Australian national
Frances Chandler: Concerned Grandparent & citizen
Susan Pearl: Rational Human concerned citizen
Stephen Fraser: Grandparent. Born a male, be a male
Jim Bell: Parent, Grandparent & concerned citizen
Mary Hawkes: Concerned Parent & Grandparent
Trudi Hemetsberger: Health practitioner, mother of girls & boy, once a PE teacher & exercise physiologist
Stephen Kerrison: Concerned Parent & Grandparent
Clare Hurney: Senior English School Teacher
Patti Parkinson: Grandmother & concerned citizen
Janet Redbond: Concerned person
Greg Knox: Concerned citizen
Cathy Clark: Social worker
Glen Dal Broi: Parent & Grandparent
Margie Sincoe: Concerned citizen fighting for truth & protection of women
Jeffrey Losh: Retired IT worker & concerned citizen
Norbert Hiesgen: Concerned citizen
Greg Brown: Concerned Australian Parent, Grandparent & citizen
Doris Kynaston: Concerned Grandma
Olive Lane: Grandparent & concerned citizen
Sam Fedele: Concerned Grandfather
Stephanie Mitchell: Concerned Grandparent
Steven Kelly: Concerned Dad
Claudia Andria: Concerned citizen
Steeve Whitehead: Sane human & concerned citizen
Veronica Roberts: Parent, Grandparent & concerned citizen
Kay Elliott: Concerned Grandparent
Elizabeth Richardson: Concerned Christian Grandmother
Barry McDonald: Concerned citizen