Public Signatories page 12a. June 2 – June 6

There have been so many public signatories for this month we are dividing the month into several pages – 12a – 12g. Thank you!

Eileen Calodoukas: Concerned mum

Shane Hull: Parent

Joseph Ryan: Father, grandfather & great grandfather

Christopher Apostolides: A real man

Colin Smith: Just a biological male with a brain. Grandparent

Samantha Hall: Concerned Nana

Pauline Hewitt: Registered Nurse & concerned parent

Bridget Johnson: I am a normal, sane adult

Saunders Bruce: Concerned citizen

Margaret Murphy: Scared grandparent and concerned citizen

Paddy Matchett: Engineer & concerned citizen

Muzz Morris: Grandparent & retiree

Maree Drew: Men don’t belong in women’s sport.
2 genders only

Maricel O’FARRELL: Concerned mother & grandmother.

Heinz Tantschev: Concerned citizen

Mathew Fraser: Adult male & concerned citizen

Lianne Fowler: Concerned & proud woman

Dot Moon: Concerned parent & retired nurse

Carly Smallwood: Just a regular citizen

Amelia Fitz: Medical practitioner

Alan Poole: Retired concerned citizen

David Hodson: Parent

Douglas Perry: A concerned father

Ron Munro: Male & female, what you were born is what you are

Judith McKenna: Concerned grandmother

Catherine Bowman: Concerned mum & citizen

Michael O’Donoghue: Retired medical practitioner

Quentin Ansley: Grandparent

John Atkinson: Concerned senior & grandparent

John McKenney: Concerned male

Matt Stirling: Born a man, parent & grandparent

Peter Landini: Concerned citizen

Ken Edge-Williams: Parent & Grandfather

Alan Cooper: Grandparent

Ross Currie: Parent

Paul Schulz: Critical thinking realist

Stephanie Mitchell: Concerned grandparent

KerryAnn Daymond: Irate grandmother & concerned citizen

Noel Voysey: Nurse

Ted Reid: Concerned citizen

Terry Gibbs: Grandparent. This nonsense needs to stop

Bridget Johnson: A normal, healthy, sane adult

Stuart Potter: Concerned citizen & grandparent

Karen Robinson: Concerned citizen

Mick Parkes: Grandparent. Just not fair

Judy Chapman: Retired midwife & concerned citizen

Alec Crane: Concerned about the safety of women & children

More signatories from June, CLICK HERE…