Public Signatories page 12f: June 19 – July 3, 2024

There have been so many public signatories for June were dividing the month into several pages. This is page 12f (June 19 – July 3). 
If you’ve signed and your name isn’t listed, please check the email you provided. If confirmation isn’t there, there’s been a typo in the email address which means you’ll need to re-sign. Thank you!

Michael Murray: Concerned citizen

Heather Hogan: Concerned mum, grandma, great grandma & former teacher

Ward Ashley: Parent & non-theist autodidactic mechanic

James Clark: Dad & Grandparent

Ross Blair: Concerned citizen

Matthew Turner: Concerned citizen

Michelle Kronk: Parent

Jane Barnes: Concerned & disgusted woman/female

Allen Soxsmith: Citizen concerned for the protection of women & girls

Lester Radford: Parent & concerned citizen

Nick Collyer: Concerned parent

Mimma Delorenzo: Grandparent

Kayleen Hullah: Concerned Grandmother

John Mcpherson: Concerned citizen

Lauren Hughes: Concerned mother

Hamish Lowe: Concerned parent & realist

Trevor Patten: Parent & Grandparent

Sharon George: Concerned woman who wants to protect women & girls

Philip Gale: Parent & concerned citizen: In construction

Chambers Les: Concerned Grandad & citizen

Sandra Jones: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Janelle Cole: Woman & concerned citizen

Yvette Smit: A concerned citizen of this country

Greg Woods: Concerned Australian Parent

Ralph Walton: Concerned Great Grandparent

Christine Kilpatrick: Concerned Christian Citizen

Yvonne Van Anholt: Parent & Grandparent

Roslyn Tycehurst: Concerned Grandmother

John Trundell: Concerned citizen

Carol Ford: Grandparent & concerned Australian

Imelda Mary Aslett: Concerned citizen of Australia & Grandparent

Quentin Stewart: Campaigner for the truth

Peter McKenna: Concerned citizen

Tanya Randall: Parent & concerned citizen

David Mitchell: Normal living being (male) & concerned citizen

Elizabeth Groenewoud: Concerned woman & parent

Pat Weerakoon: Sex educator & Retired academic

Rod Parker: Grandparent & retired male

Dyan Tilbrooke: Concerned mum

Sabine Dorn: Grandparent

Kirsty Brown: Concerned citizen

Frank Briffa: Against obvious wrong.
Save women’s mental health

Ruth Griffiths: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Maureen Czarnocki: Concerned

Diana Riley: Concerned

Kaylie O’brien: Mother, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Friend, Voter

Matt Coulton: Parent

Sonja McCracken: Concerned woman

Paul King: Concerned male citizen

Prudence Bergemann: Retired

Peter Clarke: A Father

Jane Turner: Concerned Aunt & citizen

Edward Thraves: Against the radical lefts politicisation & exploitation of vulnerable people

David Hobbs: Concerned Grandfather & citizen

Lisa Bottroff: Woman, Mother, Realist

Mark Hansel: Father

John Spriggs: Parent

Jeanette Wilde: Believer in fair play – parent

Roger Phillips: Common sense advocate

Helen Margaret Smith: Concerned citizen – retired

Georgie Hargreaves: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Greg Allen: Concerned male adult & parent

Patricia Newton: Concerned for women’s & children’s rights

Lachie Jensz: Student & concerned citizen

Mark Cunningham: Concerned citizen

Elizabeth Vincent: A kind, fair, free thinking, informative human being

Trent McGrath: Parent

Judi Moresi: Parent & Grandparent

Jennifer Westlake: Concerned woman for the future of women’s sport

Paul Ford: Concerned parent of 2 kids

Hong-Hsun Kao: Concerned parent

Daniel Letelier: Parent & MAN

Trevor Patten: Male, father, grandfather. Private citizen of Australia

Alan Kimball: Agricultural worker & concerned citizen

Allan Mcdonald: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Mike Hepburn: Retired Old Fart & Concerned Grandparent

David Payne: RN & Father