Q & A

Q. Does it cost anything to sign?
No. Any Australian citizen over 18 can sign for free.

Q. Some of my friends have said this is a far right-wing and dangerous Declaration. What should I say to them?
A. The Declaration is not aligned with any political movement or religious organisation. People have signed from all parts of the political and religious spectrum. We are aligned with biological fact, scientific reality and medical research, not beliefs and feelings.

The medical creed of ‘Do No Harm’ is an important guide of this declaration.

Q. Is this Declaration transphobic?
A. No. There are many ‘trans’ individuals who respect the spaces and sports of their non-biological sex, don’t preach trans ideology to children and know that sexual preference (LGB) is very different to gender identity (TQ). It is the erosion of women’s rights, loss of free speech, medical malpractice and indoctrination of children caused by extremist gender ideology that is the concern of this Declaration.

Q. What is Intersex?
This is a common question. We’ve prepared a summary sheet about Intersex on our Resources page. It is available HERE.

Q. What is the legal status of this declaration?
A. The Declaration is an Incorporated Association. It has a committee of seven. Since the Declaration was formed in conjunction with the UK Declaration, the wording is 95% identical to the UK’s and cannot be meaningfully altered unless in extreme circumstances. Changes are only to names of policies, acts etc.

Q. If I sign privately, is my identity protected?
Yes. The site is protected by several layers of security. Only the tally of private signatures is shown, not names.

Q. Can minors sign the Declaration?
A. No. Signatories must be of Australian voting age.

Q. What is the Declaration for?
The Declaration aims to demonstrate to politicians, business and decision makers the strength of feeling that Australians have about the detrimental impact of gender identity ideology on society.

This declaration could act as a submission to parliament, an illustration of Australian sentiment to media, or evidence to local, state and federal politicians.

Q. Can I change my mind and have my signature removed?
Yes. Just email admin@declarationofbiologicaltruth.au from the email address you supplied when you signed to ask that your signature be removed. However, the email address MUST be same as the one you used to sign.

Q. I’d like to help the cause. What can I do?
A. The best thing to do is to share our site with likeminded friends and family.  We’d love to get to 5,000 signatories sometime during 2024. If you wanted to donate to help cover costs the donation link is HERE.

Any other questions, just ask via the contact form.