Support Biology Matters

‘Biology Matters’ is a campaign for Biological Reality.

While donations are most needed, you can also help in other ways. Read below to see how.

  1. Donate a few dollars
    This Declaration is a non-profit Incorporated Association. No individual is paid or receives profit. Every dollar helps. We aim to raise a total of $40,000 by December 1st to go toward awareness initiatives and the running of the Declaration.

If you could donate a few dollars it would be greatly appreciated.

2. Spread the word
Most Australians aren’t aware of the dangers of radical gender ideology. One of the best ways to help others understand the enormity of the problem is to focus on ONE single issue that friends or family may relate to. Some single issues are:

  • Biological men playing in women’s and girl’s sports
  • School children being taught biologically impossible things at school like “Babies can be born in the wrong body” or “You can change your sex”.
  • Gender confused children are being given puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones from the age of 8. These drugs have a profound effect on the brain, the bones and fertility.
  • Some gender dysphoric girls are having their breasts removed (double mastectomy) believing they can be male.

Spread the word by downloading and printing Declaration flyers, by having a short video or the QR code on your phone ready to show, or even a piece of research like the Cass Review. They are all downloadable HERE.

3. Buy a Biology Matters T-Shirt

Available soon)