Public Signatories page 12d: June 9 – June 12, 2024

There have been many public signatories for June so we are dividing the month into several pages. This is page 12d (June 9-12).
If you’ve signed and your name isn’t listed, please check the email you provided. If confirmation isn’t listed, there’s been a typo in the email address which means you’ll need to re-sign. Thank you!

Mark Halson: Parent & concerned citizen

Dean Powter: Concerned parent & Aussie

Brooke Randle: Father with daughter

Don Wilson: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Craig Howard: Grandparent

Brian Barkla-Hall: Concerned grandparent

Colin Harris: Concerned grandparent & citizen

John Moore: Grandparent

Gary Wright: Concerned grandfather & citizen

Kathryn Edwards: Concerned grandparent

Chris Langan-Fox: Mental Health Practitioner & Knight

Karl Bellis: Concerned Dad & Poppy

Barry Oliver: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Kristy Swift: Concerned
mum of a daughter who plays sports

Deva Gordon: Concerned grandparent & retired pensioner who wants the truth to be declared

Margaret Williams: Concerned Grandmother

Brian Delany: Concerned citizen

Diane Van Der Kooij: Concerned mum & grandmother

James Wallace: Concerned Grandfather

Peter Quinlan: Grandfather

Andrew McGarry: Concerned citizen

Patrick O’Hehir: Bricklayer & concerned citizen

Clayton Kraschnefskiki: Concerned citizen

Ana Tendeiro: A deeply concerned XX-chromosome biological female member of the public

David Taylor: Parent

Margaret Bugden: Concerned grandma

David Towner: Retired Teacher

Aidan McSweeney: Concerned Australian

David Whitehead: Concerned Grandparent

Phillipa Bryan: Department of Education Employee & Grandparent

Lauren Murphy: Concerned mum

Ruth Johnston: Concerned Grandmother

Paul Westerink: School teacher

Gerry Dillon: Grandparent

Roderic de Costa Silva: Concerned senior & grandparent. Only 2 genders

Allen Soxsmith: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Robert Ringin: Apalled senior citzen & grandparent

Jodie Novello: Concerned citizen

Vincent Booth: Concerned citizen against transhumanism

Lynette Sunderland: Retired RN & grandparent

Gloria Foley: Concerned mother & grandmother

Jacques Loggenberg: Concerned taxpayer

Sharon Whitlock: Mature woman sick of this mysogyny

Neil Wilson: Parent. A man!

Catherine Paterson: Grandparent: Concerned for the future of the human race

Mark Kls: Concerned citizen: Playing dress up doesn’t change science

Kris Karlis: School teacher, parent & concerned citizen

Vipan Nigel: Parent

Donna Doyle: Concerned parent, grandparent & human

Frederik Kruger: Concerned parent

Michael Sheil: Concerned parent

George Burns: Very concerned parent

Carolyn O’Neill: Concerned Australian citizen. Human biology is irrefutable

Sharon Pisconeri: Concerned grandmother who wants grandkids to have normal childhood

Wendy Flesser: Concerned citizen

Jacqui Kilpatrick: Registered nurse & concerned citizen

Jacquie Cox: Mum & concerned citizen

Shirley Quinn: Health Professional, concerned citizen & parent

Di Spalding: Retired RN & grandparent

Ursula White: School teacher

David Heness: ALP Member

David Whitehead: Concerned Dad & grandparent

Mike Taylor: Grandparent

Pierre Flahaut: Grandparent & concerned citizen. Retired

Graham Myer: Grandparent

Clinton Dreckow: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Brian Sheldrick: Grandparent: Concerned for my grandchildren

Kimberly Rixon: Concerned Australian Mum

Marg Menzies: Concerned woman

Connie Jones: Grandparent

Glynis Burrill: Grandparent & concerned citizen

Judith Selby: Concerned Grandmother

Jennifer Worland: Parent

Anthony Barry: Concerned parent

Sean Stubley: A male human parent

Vicci Gates: Concerned female

John Holmes: Retired Qantas crew & grandparent

Heather Rays: Concerned grandmother

Mathilda Chapman: Concerned Grandmother

William Hobbin: Concerned citizen

Lucy Holten: Concerned citizen, mum, nanna

Gaye Johnson: School teacher & retired sport woman, grandmother of girls in sport

Jeffrey Losh: Concerned retired person

Alan Albert: Fed up 60 year old

Eric Fergusson: Concerned parent and community member

Lyn Utting: Concerned mum

Kid CURRIE: Parent

Pan Zahar: School teacher & concerned woman

Kate Coetzee: School teacher

Lauren Murphy: Concerned mum

Christina James: Concerned Mum of a trans identifying child; teacher & academic

More signatories from June 2024 CLICK HEREā€¦